What do we value in life?
God's Glory
Godly character - what the Word says about God's design for women, wives, mothers, and singles
Prayer - developing our relationship with God and one another
Fellowship - a supportive relational environment and unity, an attitude of love and submission, being filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit (and not our own flesh/thinking or the world's opinions/values, but God's values found in the Word and in the power of the Holy Spirit)
Discipleship - the ministry of teaching and encouraging women to be Christlike women of God, extending ourselves in hospitality and care, serving one another by exercising our spiritual gifts to edify, build up and contribute to the Body of Christ
What is our mission?
We exist to encourage women at Biblical Community Church to bring glory to God in being the women God designed them to be according to His Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit, in order to be Christlike women of noble, Godly character.
What is our vision?
Our vision for women at Biblical Community Church is to become women like the Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 woman (please refer to the scriptures for details).